Friday, May 28, 2010

Descending Into the Great Chasm

What a beautiful view!

The Cat is cutting a platform to stack all of the copper ore on. The canyon below will take some time to cut a road wide enough for the big trucks to go down, so for now it will be a service road for the 4 X 4 pickups and mining equipment. We will widen the road as we harvest the ore that is in the roadway.

We will mine the hills side across the ravine and haul the ore in the bucket of the backhoe to the platform. The haul trucks will have ample room to turn around and then be loaded with ore.

The Cat started to cut the road into the chasm but started chocking for diesel because the fuel filter is plugged. We stopped by the shop that owns the Cat and the "Italian" gave us another filter to install tomorrow.

It rained off and on all day since early this morning. It "never" rains in this part of Chile! Right?.... since we have arrived here it has rained 3 times in a month. This is more rain than they have received in the past 10 years.


  1. Hey Bret I can see the paragraph but no pictures- were there pictures?

  2. Great pictures Bret!!! Thanks for the invite to your blog. We are so happy for you.
