Sunday, June 20, 2010

Good Stuff

Chile has lots of good stuff to eat. We found this delicious treat at the giant new grocery store called Jumbo. If you show up at Jumbo in the evening you can see most of the residents of Copiapo there shopping. It is like trying to get on a ride at Disneyland. We like to go look at all of the items that we are not familiar with. Raenada has become pretty good at cooking with ingredients that are available here. One of our favorite things at Jumbo is the fresh hot bread. The people hover around the bread bin until the hot bread is ready and then they use tongs or plastic bags over their hands and grab as much as they can. We walked by one evening and I said to Raenada that it looked like a bunch of sharks going after fresh meat. After they get their bread bagged they stand in a line and a attendant weighs the bread and attaches a bar code with the price of the bread so you can pay at the front of the store.

You would think that the Chileans would be large with all the bread and pastries they eat, but most are very thin. They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. Most do not own cars so they walk long distances to catch a bus or collectivo.

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